Kids & Teens Classes
Unique dedicated classes from age 3+
Unlike many gyms combining adults and children's classes, Sozokan Academy hosts dedicated programs for 4 different age groups, to ensure each person has the optimum opportunity to get the most out of their training. We emphasise quality martial arts education even at the youngest levels, so you can be sure your kids are developing real skills, not just belts.
Tiger Cubs Program
Ages 3 to 6
Tiger Cubs is a special program for children aged 3 – 6 years. These are short duration classes incorporating martial arts, games, fitness exercises, stranger danger, personal safety, body co-ordination and balance drills for youngsters. They are scheduled for ~30 minutes but can run a little longer depending upon the group’s attention span on the day.
One of the most important aids to learning is “routine” so wherever possible we encourage parents to bring their child to at least 2 sessions per week.
Tiger Cub classes are available Monday & Wednesday at 4pm; and Saturdays at 9am
Warriors Program
Ages 7 to 12
Targeting the primary school age group, the Warriors program is a selection of martial systems suited to the pre-teen group with a focus on fun, self-discipline, sport and self-defence. Students are encouraged to study as many of the following styles as possible to get maximum benefit from the curriculum. This flexibility to train and the range of styles available is unique in Australia.
JuJitsu: Kempo Self Defense modified for younger students. Jujitsu incorporates throwing, locking, grappling (wrestling), striking, anti-bullying and multiple attacker drills, along with fitness and personal safety. Students follow an adult syllabus but at a slower pace and therefore learn practical self-defence and self-discipline not just patterns in the air.
Warriors JuJitsu is available Monday & Wednesday at 4.30pm; and Saturdays at 10.30am
Brazilian JuJitsu/Grappling BJJ is a sophisticated grappling system, maximum fun and enjoyment whilst teaching good self-defence techniques for the ground! Kids love “rolling around the floor”, so why not learn to do it effectively? Sports competition is available for those who want to compete at the local, state, national and international levels. BJJ is one of the main elements used by MMA fighters in the UFC.
Warriors BJJ is available on Wednesdays at 5.30pm (with Gi) and Thursdays at 5.30pm (no Gi)
Boxing Excellent for cardio fitness, weight loss and upper body conditioning. At the same time improving self-discipline, self-confidence and reflexes. Vastly improves hand-eye co-ordination for other sports. As an Olympic, AIBA and Commonwealth Games sport the class is equally suitable for boys and girls interested in simply healthy exercise or even the ring.
Warriors Boxing is available Mondays 5.30pm & Fridays at 4.30pm
Muay-Thai/kickboxing: The national sport of Thailand. This is a tough sport employing kicks, punches, elbows and knees. For this age group, protective equipment must be worn to ensure safety for all.
Warrriors Kickboxing is available Thursday at 4.30 p.m. and Saturdays at 11.30am
Judo An Olympic sport, derived from jujitsu. Judo is taught in schools throughout Japan and concentrates primarily on throwing techniques as well as some grappling (ground submission). Helps develop good upper body and length strength and is an excellent confidence builder. Australians can compete in local competitions and the Oceania, Commonwealth, World and Olympic Games.
Warriors Judo is available on Saturdays at 9.30am (ages 7-16)
Aikido A defensive system only, philosophically geared toward not harming your attacker excessively. Features extensive study of locking and redirection techniques. Requires longer-term dedication and maturity as it cannot be learned quickly.
Aikido for ages 7+ is available Sundays at 9.00am
Martial Teens
Ages 13 to 16
Developed specifically for young adults, Martial Teens comprises both martial sports and self-defense styles. Like regular schooling we do not believe a rounded education can be found in just one system, students are encouraged to train in a mix of styles although some students elect to only train in one. This flexibility and range of choice is not available anywhere else in Australia.
Boxing Excellent for cardio fitness and weight loss. Training also improves self-discipline, self-confidence and co-ordination. Competition is possible for those who wish to pursue it.
Boxing Fundamentals classes are available for ages 13 and up on Tuesday & Thursday at 5.30pm
These must be attended to be eligible for further boxing training for the 13-16 age group
Kickboxing/Muay Thai Excellent for fitness, competition and hard-core conditioning. This is a tough sport employing kicks, punches, elbows and knees. Kickboxing requires a serious commitment and is one of the most physical of combat sports.
Kickboxing/Muay Thai is available for ages 13+ on Wednesday & Friday at 5.30pm;
and Sundays at 10.30am (or 11.30am for beginners)
Kempo JuJitsu Self-defence and confidence building. The skills necessary to protect yourself, at school, at the shops, in your home, at the skate park! Jujitsu incorporates throwing, locking, wrestling, striking, defense against street weapons and multiple attackers.
Kempo JuJitsu for ages 13+ fundamentals class is available Fridays at 6.30pm
Kempo JuJitsu for ages 13+ is available Tuesdays at 6.30pm, Saturdays at 3.30pm & Sundays at 10.30am
Blue belt and above only: Thursdays at 8.30pm
Brazilian JiuJitsu (BJJ) Learn the grappling techniques of the Gracie’s, as widely used by today’s grapplers and MMA fighters. Learn your Kimura from your Annoconda and your hooks-in from your guard pass!
BJJ for ages 13-16 is available Tuesdays at 4.30pm
BJJ for ages 13+ is available Mondays at 7.30pm
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Students must be attending as a minimum Boxing/Judo/Submission Grappling and Muay Thai to be allowed to attend the MMA class.
MMA / no-gi BJJ for ages 13+ is available Wednesdays 6.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm
Arnis/ Escrima Classes in the Philipino arts of empty hand, stick and knife fighting are ONLY available to those teenagers who show suitable maturity. A complete self defense system from our north.
Arnis for beginners aged 13+ is available Wednesday & Friday at 5.30pm
Advanced classes are available Mondays at 6.30pm
Aikido A defensive system only, philosophically geared toward not harming your attacker excessively. Features extensive study of locking and redirection techniques. Requires longer-term dedication and maturity as it cannot be learned quickly.
Aikido for ages 7+ is available Sundays at 9.00am
Aikido for beginners ages 13+ is available Tuesday at 7.30pm
Aikido for intermediate/advanced ages 13+ is available Saturdays at 3.30pm